Friday, December 13, 2013

A Day in the Life (and food) of Maddie

My favorite restaurant, hands down, is Marlow's Tavern, which is convienient considering that it is a five minute drive from my house. I am not one who likes change very much, so it makes sense that every time that I go out to eat there I always order the same thing: a plain, juicy grilled chicken sandwich on a wheat bun that absorbs the tangy taste with frech, crispy, thin-cut french fries. I know what you might be thinking-- Really Maddie? Such a plain meal? Just chicken, bread, and fries? Way to be healthy. What can I say? I just am not into fancy foods.
Anyways, on my most recent trip to Marlow's, I could not get a lesson that I learned in AP World History out of my head. I kept thinking about the Columbian Exchange, and how my food is probably more well traveled than I am. My chicken traveled to my plate all the way from the Old World! I would love to go to the Old World and experience life there, so needless to say I am a little jealous of my chicken. The bun (wheat of course, gotta be a little healthy) also traveled from the Old World! I am sure that the chicken and wheat were a package deal though, because they taste so incredibly good together. During the Columbian Exchange, potatoes traveled from the New World to the Old World, so I hope that I have seen more of the world that my greasy little guilty pleasures. I am sure that my french fries did not travel to the Old World and back to the New World to end up here, so it makes me feel a little better.
All of that thinking made me hungry, so I decided to stop thinking and devour my comfort food instead.

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