Friday, December 13, 2013

A traumatic experiance--Danielle Dinberg


Danielle here, reporting to you on what may have been the most traumatic experience of my life. The other day, I was kindly invited to indulge in a delicious meal cooked by none other than Mr. Benschine. Knowing full well about his love for food, I accepted the invitation with the hopes of being treated to a feast. As the first course came out, I saw a beautiful salad with iceberg lettuce, finely chopped carrots, cucumber, and a light vinaigrette dressing. But after taking a bite, I tasted a familiar and horrifying taste… BANANAS.  I quickly pushed the first course aside, hoping the rest of the meal would be better. However, to my horror, the feast soon progressed into my biggest nightmare. As the main course arrived, I was disgusted to taste a steak cooked to perfection… except for the sickening sliced yellow fruit that adorned it. Let me tell you, by this point of the meal, I was in tears. But not wanting to offend Mr. Benschine and sacrifice my hard earned grades, I decided to keep it together. All I could do was pray that dessert could save the meal (and my sanity), but I wasn't so lucky. As a finale to my already terrible experience, for dessert, I was served a whopping banana split complete with chocolate syrup. It was too much for me to handle, not even my grades were worth this experience!

                Hoping to minimize the damage and please Mr. Benschine, I decided to analyze where each ingredient came from.  Starting with the salad, carrots, cucumbers and lettuce originated in the Old World and were both brought to the New World. In the main course, steak, coming from cows, originated in the Old World before cows were brought to the Americas. As for the banana split dessert, 'ice cream' would have come from the Old World, because milk comes from cows! The chocolate syrup however, would have started in the New World, because a main ingredient, Cacao, was an item exported to the Old World.

Let me tell you, I DO NOT ever, recommend eating a meal cooked by Mr. Benschine.

--Danielle Dinberg

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